Basics of Meditation
Brain is the only organ that separates human beings from other living animals on this planet. By using this incredible source of knowledge, we can manage, develop, apply and evaluate the upcoming things in and around us. However, not everyone finds it easy to use their brain. Even the great personalities have been found to use only 20 to 30 per cent of their brain. Hence, it can be rightly said that the brain has an extraordinary features which can help us in performing various tasks of our life. Eating right food, maintaining healthy lifestyle, staying away from stress, anxiety and negative thoughts are some of the factors which can help us in using the brain in a proper way.
Meditation is found to offer some extraordinary outputs to our brain. Meditation not only helps in relaxing the body but also sharpens the functioning of our brain. It can also help people to relieve from conditions such as insomnia, stress, depression, anxiety, pain and emotional problems. As a matter of fact, meditation not only helps to prevent certain diseases but also contribute to the well-being of mind and body. Few things that you must know before starting to mediate are as follows.
Sitting posture
The first thing to understand while mediating is to sit right. You must find a calm place to start your mediation. Once you set a place for meditation, sit with your back as straight as possible. You can also take the help of cushion to keep your back straight. You may come across meditations cushions, candles, bells and statues in the market. Do not worry about all these articles, meditation can be performed without their help. The basic important thing is to sit straight and start meditating often.
Count the time
Usually, people sit for mediation and keep on thinking about the time. During the process, they often stop meditation in between and look out for a watch. This happens because people take out time for meditation during the early hours of morning when they have to get engaged in other routines such as office, packing meals and so on. To avoid this, always keep a timer. If you do not have a timer, set an alarm on the clock and forget about the time while meditating.
Breathing exercise
Breathing exercise is considered as the perfect way to start meditation. It is hard to believe but we take over 10 millions breaths per year. Breathing is a unique exercise which shall be carried out carefully. When you start meditation, try to bring all your concentration on breathing mechanism. Notice every little thing about breathing such as the way we exhale, inhale and the tiny pauses that we tale in between. Just breathe naturally and try to focus on your breathing. Initially, you may start wandering in the thoughts but try to get back to breathing. With time, you will master this technique and would start getting benefits out of it.
Meditation can help to keep you calm and stay alert in your daily routine. As you move further with meditation, you will start realizing the unbelievable benefits.
Brain is the only organ that separates human beings from other living animals on this planet. By using this incredible source of knowledge, we can manage, develop, apply and evaluate the upcoming things in and around us. However, not everyone finds it easy to use their brain. Even the great personalities have been found to use only 20 to 30 per cent of their brain. Hence, it can be rightly said that the brain has an extraordinary features which can help us in performing various tasks of our life. Eating right food, maintaining healthy lifestyle, staying away from stress, anxiety and negative thoughts are some of the factors which can help us in using the brain in a proper way.
Meditation is found to offer some extraordinary outputs to our brain. Meditation not only helps in relaxing the body but also sharpens the functioning of our brain. It can also help people to relieve from conditions such as insomnia, stress, depression, anxiety, pain and emotional problems. As a matter of fact, meditation not only helps to prevent certain diseases but also contribute to the well-being of mind and body. Few things that you must know before starting to mediate are as follows.
Sitting posture
The first thing to understand while mediating is to sit right. You must find a calm place to start your mediation. Once you set a place for meditation, sit with your back as straight as possible. You can also take the help of cushion to keep your back straight. You may come across meditations cushions, candles, bells and statues in the market. Do not worry about all these articles, meditation can be performed without their help. The basic important thing is to sit straight and start meditating often.
Count the time
Usually, people sit for mediation and keep on thinking about the time. During the process, they often stop meditation in between and look out for a watch. This happens because people take out time for meditation during the early hours of morning when they have to get engaged in other routines such as office, packing meals and so on. To avoid this, always keep a timer. If you do not have a timer, set an alarm on the clock and forget about the time while meditating.
Breathing exercise
Breathing exercise is considered as the perfect way to start meditation. It is hard to believe but we take over 10 millions breaths per year. Breathing is a unique exercise which shall be carried out carefully. When you start meditation, try to bring all your concentration on breathing mechanism. Notice every little thing about breathing such as the way we exhale, inhale and the tiny pauses that we tale in between. Just breathe naturally and try to focus on your breathing. Initially, you may start wandering in the thoughts but try to get back to breathing. With time, you will master this technique and would start getting benefits out of it.
Meditation can help to keep you calm and stay alert in your daily routine. As you move further with meditation, you will start realizing the unbelievable benefits.
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