13 tips to manage your joint problem

Today, many people are suffering from acute or severe pain in joint problems. Women are more prone to joint-related problems as compared to men. The joint problems become more severe in older ages. A nutritional diet and healthy lifestyle can help in reducing the extent of joint problems. Following are the 13 essential diets that can be cultivated to avoid joint problems: 

1. 6-7 servings of protein rich foods such as pulses and milk products must be included in the diet. Consumption of excess protein may contribute to loss of bone mineral. Doubling protein intake increases urinary calcium excretion by 50%. 

2. Fish oil tablets (omega-3) and omega-6 present in most oils and fats of plant origin is recommended. These together control the inflammation.

3. Calcium and vitamin D helps to a limited extent. Calcium intake has been the most publicized factor for promoting healthy bones. The calcium supplement industry has not been slow to jump on the bandwagon. Good sources of calcium include milk and milk products, dark green vegetables such as broccoli, sardines and canned salmon (eat the soft bones too).

4. Very high fiber diet blocks the optimum absorption of calcium from the intestine into the blood since dietary fiber binds the calcium and excretes it. However moderate fiber diet is essential for normal functioning of the body. 

5. Vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium into the blood and deposition onto the bone. Vitamin D production in the body is induced by sunlight and is obtained from food.

6. Vitamin C, abundant in several fruits and vegetables, and vitamin A present in carrots, papaya and other yellow vegetables and fruits is beneficial.

7. Several minerals in addition to calcium are required for bone formation and maintenance. Magnesium found in seeds, grains and vegetable, manganese found in berries, greens, and legumes, and boron found in green leafy vegetables, grapes, apples, pears, and legumes. 

8. Copper supplementation is beneficial.

9. Frequent dieting can change bone density, as the body draws calcium from the bone to make up for calcium missing from the diet. Therefore it is likely that frequent periods of low calorie intake worsen the situation.

10. An arthritic jaw may jeopardize chewing, biting and swallowing, limiting food intake and variety of food thereby threatening nutritional status. In such a case, soft, liquid, blender zed foods are a good choice. Avoid peels of fruit and seeds, tough meat and large pieces of food.

11. Taste alterations may be experienced due to medications. The food may have to be made attractive and differently spiced and flavored as governed by the taste buds. 

12. The association between a high level of alcohol consumption and osteoarthritis and osteoporosis may be a consequence of poor nutrition, lower body weight, liver disease, or other illness, or it may be a result of toxic effect of alcohol. 

13. Studies have revealed that smoking can contribute to the onset of joint problems. Hence, smoking must be avoided to prevent any future complications related to the joints.


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