Food Poisoning

What is food poisoning? 

Food poisoning is a condition that arises as a result of eating or drinking contaminated food. Foods that contain harmful organisms such as viruses, bacteria and parasites are responsible for food poisoning. These organisms are generally found in fish, chicken, egg, raw meat and eggs but can spread in any kind of food. Food poisoning can also occur in people who do not wash hands before taking their meals. Essentially, foods containing germs is the main cause for food poisoning. Germs can enter in our foods through following ways:

  • Eating flesh of the animal which already had bacteria in their intestines.
  • Through the water that we use for washing the food. This water may contain germs from animal manure or human sewages. Thus, the germs can be found in the vegetables and fruits, too.
  • Germs can also enter into your body, if you do not wash your hands before eating. Unwashed hands may contain number of germs in it which is spread to the food items after touching them. 

Commonly, food poisoning is mild and goes away after few days. However, if it lasts longer, it may lead to health complications.


Sometimes, it gets difficult to figure out that you have food poisoning or something else. You may start feeling sick soon after eating the contaminated food. If the food poisoning is mild in nature, you will soon be fit. Some of the common symptoms of food poisoning are:

  • Nausea (upset stomach)
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever

Treatment for food poisoning 

In most of the cases, food poisoning goes on its own and does not require hospitalization. The type of treatment for food poisoning will depend on the specific germ that makes you sick. Hospitalization is only required when you get dehydrated. Doctors would recommend you to stick with normal diet to get the essential nutrients. Try avoiding foods that are high in sugar and fat. Stay away from spicy food, coffee and alcohol till the complete recovery.

Dehydration is often associated with food poisoning as the body loses fluids due to diarrhea and vomiting. Fluids and electrolytes that are lost due to these factors are normalized by providing it intravenously. Rehydration drink such as Lytren, Rehydralyte or Pedialyte can help in preventing dehydration. Sometimes, medications can be recommended to minimize the symptoms. Antibiotics are rarely used for treating food poisoning but pregnant women may be recommended to achieve immediate results.

How to prevent food poisoning 

Food poisoning can be completely avoided by taking necessary precautions before, during and after having the meals. Always wash your hands before taking any kind of food. Check that everyone else in your family follows this healthy habit. Some of the precautions that you can cultivate to avoid food poisoning are:

  • Wash fruits, vegetables and meat before cooking them.
  • Stick to well-cooked food. If the meat looks pink and raw from inside, avoid it!!
  • Smell and see the food before eating. This is especially good if you are eating outside. If you smell something different than normal, reject the food.
  • While eating leftovers, always heat them first and then start eating.
  • Do not eat the packaged foods if they have passed the expiry date. Always look for the expiry date before purchasing any kind of packaged foods.
  • Always keep the food inside the refrigerator as the bacteria grow rapidly in room temperature.

Following the above precautions will always keep you away from food poisoning.


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