Freckles are commonly seen on people with fair skin or red hair. They are also called as sun kisses. Freckles are flat, circular spots which range in the size of the head of nail. Freckles usually occur due to the repeated exposure to sunlight, especially in persons with fair complexion. Freckles are nothing but the little spots of melanin in your skin which are dark in color compared to the skin around them. The color of freckles may vary from red to yellow, light brown or black.
Types of freckles
There are two types of freckles, ephelides (singular- ephelis) and lentigines (singular- lentigo). Ephelides are the flat spots on the skin which are either red or light-brown in color. They usually appear during the sunny months and fade in winter. In some cases, ephelides may occur as hereditary problem. Regular use of sunscreen during summer can help in suppressing the ephelis. Lentigines are usually darker in appearance as compared to ephelis type. They are usually found in children and may have small tan, brown or black spot.
How do freckles develop?
The sun and sun-tanning light emits ultraviolet (UV) rays. If the skin is exposed to heavy sunlight, the outer layer of skin thickens. Also, the melanocytes (pigment producing cell in skin) start producing melanin pigment at an increased rate. This process gives protection to the skin against future sun exposure. People with dark complexion are less sensitive as compared to fair-skinned people. However, freckles can be developed even in the dark-skinned people. Person with blonde hair are more susceptible to sunburned because of being fair-skinned. The uneven distribution of the melanin pigment in the skin is the major cause of freckles. Therefore, freckles are considered as nothing but the heavy deposition of melanin at one part of the skin.
How to prevent freckles?
Although, freckles are common in fair-skinned people, it can be easily prevented. Protecting your skin from the sun and preventing it from tanning is the best way of avoiding freckles. Some basic and important tips to avoid freckles are as follows:
Freckles are commonly seen on people with fair skin or red hair. They are also called as sun kisses. Freckles are flat, circular spots which range in the size of the head of nail. Freckles usually occur due to the repeated exposure to sunlight, especially in persons with fair complexion. Freckles are nothing but the little spots of melanin in your skin which are dark in color compared to the skin around them. The color of freckles may vary from red to yellow, light brown or black.
Types of freckles
There are two types of freckles, ephelides (singular- ephelis) and lentigines (singular- lentigo). Ephelides are the flat spots on the skin which are either red or light-brown in color. They usually appear during the sunny months and fade in winter. In some cases, ephelides may occur as hereditary problem. Regular use of sunscreen during summer can help in suppressing the ephelis. Lentigines are usually darker in appearance as compared to ephelis type. They are usually found in children and may have small tan, brown or black spot.
How do freckles develop?
The sun and sun-tanning light emits ultraviolet (UV) rays. If the skin is exposed to heavy sunlight, the outer layer of skin thickens. Also, the melanocytes (pigment producing cell in skin) start producing melanin pigment at an increased rate. This process gives protection to the skin against future sun exposure. People with dark complexion are less sensitive as compared to fair-skinned people. However, freckles can be developed even in the dark-skinned people. Person with blonde hair are more susceptible to sunburned because of being fair-skinned. The uneven distribution of the melanin pigment in the skin is the major cause of freckles. Therefore, freckles are considered as nothing but the heavy deposition of melanin at one part of the skin.
How to prevent freckles?
Although, freckles are common in fair-skinned people, it can be easily prevented. Protecting your skin from the sun and preventing it from tanning is the best way of avoiding freckles. Some basic and important tips to avoid freckles are as follows:
- People shall take care while moving out during the summer season. One must try to avoid the direct intact with the harmful ultraviolet rays coming out from the sun. People with multiple freckles often have pale skin which burns easily.
- Always apply sunscreen before going out in sunny days. Make it a habit of applying the sunscreen while leaving for the office, school or shopping.
- Wear a hat and clothes to cover your skin completely during the summer season.
In older days and even today, some recipes that include lemon juice are believed to protect our skin from the freckles. Following things can be done to clear the freckles from your skin:
- Take a juice of half a lemon.
- Wipe the freckles with the juice, by using cotton wool ball.
- Apply this juice two times a day.
- Stay out of sun.
If you want a freckle-free skin, the most important part is to protect your skin from harmful sun rays.
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