Safe Ways to Lose Weight

Weight Loss and Diet 

Everyone in today's age is running after having a good physique. That's the foremost reason why you can see innumerable institutes, organizations and groups promoting the need for attaining a healthy and perfect physique. A sound and healthy body is a result of having healthy lifestyle and eating a right diet. Though regular exercise is a must to lose weight but maintaining a healthy diet is equally important. You may not even require joining a strenuous workout on a regular basis, if you keep an eye on what you eat. It has been rightly stated by someone that we are who we eat. It simply means that if we keep on eating cheesy and greasy foods, our body will shape accordingly. Most of the people choose cutting down their diets to achieve a fast results in weight loss. However, they forget that cutting down the essential diet would result in lack of nutrients in our body. Therefore, we must take care that our body gets sufficient nutrients even after cutting down the heavy meals.

Facts behind Dieting 

It's a general belief of a mass that cutting down the calories from the diet would reduce the excess weight. To some extent they are perfectly right but on a long run they tend to be faulty. People blindly keep on cutting the calories from the diet without realizing that they can harm themselves. An optimum amount of calorie intake is a must for a healthy body. Lack of calories in the body may result in feeling fatigue and weak throughout the day. These people find difficulty in accomplishing easy tasks at office and even at home. Insufficient food intake may also hamper the immunity of a body and the person becomes susceptible to various infectious diseases. 

Adapting a right way of dieting 

Before saying yes to dieting, you must be well aware of our weight. The first thing you need to know before start dieting is to know your BMI (body mass index). You must be aware whether you are categorized into overweight range or obese range. An individual is said to have normal weight, if his body mass index falls in a range of 19.0 to 24.9 (according to the National Institute of Health). If you fall above this range (above 25.0), then you are considered as overweight. People with BMI more than 30.0 are said to be obese and they must undergo weight loss program to stay away from diseases. Once we know the extra weight, we can choose a right diet to achieve weight loss without affecting the nutritious needs of our organs. The only foods we need to avoid are the foods that are oily and greasy. Regular exercise becomes essential for burning out the extra fats that we achieve through our diets. By burning the extra fats, we can easily acquire the shape that we wish to have. We shall also be aware of what foods are good for our body and what foods can bring harm to the body.

It must be remembered that eating healthy foods can help us to stay fit and healthy.

Is Cholesterol always bad?

Cholesterol is a fatty acid that is naturally found in the brain, nerves, liver, blood and bile and is needed to build cell membranes, insulate nerves, and produce vitamin D, hormones, and bile acid for digestion. It even helps provide antioxidant protection when your vitamin and mineral stores are low. However, cholesterol seems to have got a bad name. In fact, Cholesterol is so crucial, in fact, that each cell is equipped with the means to synthesize its own membrane cholesterol, to regulate the fluidity of those membranes when those membranes get too loose or too stiff. 

Cholesterol is also necessary for hormone production.

The steroid hormones, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are manufactured from cholesterol. In addition, the adrenal corticosteroid hormones that regulate water balance through the kidneys and through cortisone and the anti-inflammatory hormone that controls our stress response, all come from cholesterol.

Normally, the liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs. But sometimes, because of our poor dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle, we produce way too much cholesterol. This can increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and stroke. Also, some people have a genetic disposition to high cholesterol levels. 

A cholesterol primer

Cholesterol moves in bloodstream in the form of substances called lipoproteins. Cardiovascular risk can be assessed by measuring total blood cholesterol, as well as the proportions of the different types of lipoproteins in the bloodstream. 

Total cholesterol is the most common measure of blood cholesterol and is mentioned in any lipid profile test that you may take at a diagnostic laboratory. Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood. A total cholesterol reading of less than 200 mg/dL means a lower risk of heart disease. Everyone should try to attain this benchmark figure. (Although cholesterol is not the only measure of risk of heart disease.) A person with a total cholesterol count of 200-239 is considered to be a borderline high cholesterol person and someone with a total cholesterol count of 240 and over is considered to be a high cholesterol person. 

However, it is important to note that there is such a thing as 'good cholesterol' and it is called HDL. HDL or the 'good' cholesterol, helps carry cholesterol out of the body, this includes the dreaded cholesterol deposited on the inside of blood vessels, where it can block the flow of blood. If there is too much cholesterol for the HDLs to pick up, or there is an inadequate supply of HDLs, cholesterol may aggregate into plaque groups that block arteries. Those blockages are the main cause of heart attacks. So remember that with cholesterol, higher can sometimes mean healthier. 

A total cholesterol count of less than 40 is low, and a count of 60 or greater is considered a 'negative' risk factor.

There's also another type of cholesterol called LDL. This is considered the 'bad' cholesterol. It is known to haul the cholesterol from the liver to all cells in the body. With LDL, remember that lower is healthier. With LDL, less than 100 is optimal; 100-129 is near or above optimal; 130-159 is borderline high; 160-189 is high; 190 or more is very high. 

As a 'Rule of thumb' you would want to raise your HDL and lower your LDL.

Triglycerides make up most of the body's fat, and are the storehouse for energy. Edible oils from seeds, egg-yolk and animal fats also are composed mainly of triglycerides. Though these may not be as corrosive as LDL, excess triglycerides exacerbate heart disease potential because they can oxidize and thereby damage the linings of the arteries or induce blood cells to clump and form a blood clot. 

With triglycerides, a reading of fewer than 100 is optimal, Under 200 is normal, 200-400 is borderline high, and Over 400 is high. When high triglycerides and low HDL occur together, there is higher risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, heart and kidney failure, and other degenerative diseases.

In fact, another up-and-coming index of heart disease risk is your triglyceride-to-HDL ratio. A ratio of less than 2 is considered good.

The best ways to lower your triglyceride levels are:

  • To reduce your intake of carbohydrates, especially sugar and starch foods and
  • To eat a high-quality fish oil products.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Why to stop smoking? 

Smoking is injurious to health and is responsible for causing number of diseases. Smoking is responsible for one out of every five deaths. Smoking is said to bring diseases such as cancers, heart problems and cardiovascular issues in the body. Besides these life-threatening diseases, it also contributes to the other problems like aging, skin problems and respiratory disorders. Skin problems such as drying and wrinkling are some of the common problems that arise due to smoking. Other health hazards that may occur as a result of smoking are:

  • Breathing problem.
  • You may develop yellow tooth, skin and fingernails.
  • Increase rate of hypertension.
  • Nausea, anxiety, severe headaches and migraines.
  • Cold and bronchitis.
  • Low motivation and energy.

Staying smoke free 

Everyone starts smoking without knowing the exact reasons behind the act. There are absolutely no physical reasons to start smoking. Our body needs food, water, sleep and exercise for proper functioning. Smoking a cigarette often starts for a fun but gradually it becomes a daily routine for smokers. All forms of tobacco like cigarettes, cigars, pipes and smokeless tobacco are injurious to the healthy body. The only solution to keep our body away from diseases linked with smoking is to stay smoke free. 

It is often difficult for smokers to quit smoking. However, there are number of ways through which we can stay away from smoking. It is normal that smokers will find it difficult to stay away from cigarettes during the initial days of quitting smoking. But once they overcome this period, they soon realize the life-long benefits of quitting smoking. Therefore, you are advised not to lose hope and stay firm during this phase to achieve the purpose. 

The best way to stop smoking is to have a gradual approach towards quitting. If you smoke a pack of cigarettes daily, make it half a packet. Keep a target of staying away completely till the end of the month. Start exploring about the reasons that made you to start smoking. Once you are aware of the reasons, you can easily delete the causes and stay smoke free. If the reason behind smoking is boredom or stress, try doing some relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation. Inculcating good habits such as reading books, listening to light music and doing the things of your interest can help you in quitting smoking. Once you start smoke free life, constantly praise yourself by telling the remarkable benefits of quitting smoking. This will not only motivate yourself but would keep you firm about your healthy decision. 

Remarkable benefits of quitting smoking 

Once you start a smoke free life, your body will gain number of benefits as the time passes. Some of the healthy benefits of quitting smoking are:

  • Blood pressure, pulse rate and body temperature will return to normal.
  • Blood oxygen level increases and carbon dioxide level decreases.
  • Enhances the sensory organs such as smell and taste.
  • Decrease the rate of developing heart diseases, respiratory disorders and heart attacks to a great extent.
  • Increase in rate of blood circulation.

There are numerous such benefits of quitting smoking. Start a smoke free life and save your money and add some healthy years in your life.

13 tips to manage your joint problem

Today, many people are suffering from acute or severe pain in joint problems. Women are more prone to joint-related problems as compared to men. The joint problems become more severe in older ages. A nutritional diet and healthy lifestyle can help in reducing the extent of joint problems. Following are the 13 essential diets that can be cultivated to avoid joint problems: 

1. 6-7 servings of protein rich foods such as pulses and milk products must be included in the diet. Consumption of excess protein may contribute to loss of bone mineral. Doubling protein intake increases urinary calcium excretion by 50%. 

2. Fish oil tablets (omega-3) and omega-6 present in most oils and fats of plant origin is recommended. These together control the inflammation.

3. Calcium and vitamin D helps to a limited extent. Calcium intake has been the most publicized factor for promoting healthy bones. The calcium supplement industry has not been slow to jump on the bandwagon. Good sources of calcium include milk and milk products, dark green vegetables such as broccoli, sardines and canned salmon (eat the soft bones too).

4. Very high fiber diet blocks the optimum absorption of calcium from the intestine into the blood since dietary fiber binds the calcium and excretes it. However moderate fiber diet is essential for normal functioning of the body. 

5. Vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium into the blood and deposition onto the bone. Vitamin D production in the body is induced by sunlight and is obtained from food.

6. Vitamin C, abundant in several fruits and vegetables, and vitamin A present in carrots, papaya and other yellow vegetables and fruits is beneficial.

7. Several minerals in addition to calcium are required for bone formation and maintenance. Magnesium found in seeds, grains and vegetable, manganese found in berries, greens, and legumes, and boron found in green leafy vegetables, grapes, apples, pears, and legumes. 

8. Copper supplementation is beneficial.

9. Frequent dieting can change bone density, as the body draws calcium from the bone to make up for calcium missing from the diet. Therefore it is likely that frequent periods of low calorie intake worsen the situation.

10. An arthritic jaw may jeopardize chewing, biting and swallowing, limiting food intake and variety of food thereby threatening nutritional status. In such a case, soft, liquid, blender zed foods are a good choice. Avoid peels of fruit and seeds, tough meat and large pieces of food.

11. Taste alterations may be experienced due to medications. The food may have to be made attractive and differently spiced and flavored as governed by the taste buds. 

12. The association between a high level of alcohol consumption and osteoarthritis and osteoporosis may be a consequence of poor nutrition, lower body weight, liver disease, or other illness, or it may be a result of toxic effect of alcohol. 

13. Studies have revealed that smoking can contribute to the onset of joint problems. Hence, smoking must be avoided to prevent any future complications related to the joints.

Treating Hair Loss in Men

Hair is one of the important factors to beautify the appearance of women as well as men. However, not everyone is lucky to stay with this factor for the entire life. Today, men as well as women are suffering from the condition called alopecia. Alopecia is a medical term used for hair loss or baldness. All hairs that grow on different part of our body have a life expectancy of three to six years. A normal hair passes through three stages during its life cycle, growing, resting and falling-out phase. At any point of time, some hairs are in the phase of growing, some are in resting phase and rests of them are in falling-out phase. Once the hair enters in the resting phase, it sheds out after the period of two to three months. It is considered as absolutely normal, if 50-100 hairs shed everyday. After the shedding period, new hairs grow on the site and the growing cycle starts again. Scalp hairs grow about one-half inch a month. As a person grows old, the rate of hair growth also slows down.

Causes of Hair Loss 

Essentially, hair loss is considered as a genetic problem. People with hair loss or baldness are found to regrow the hairs at the sites where they lose hairs as a result of shedding. Increase hair shedding is a result of number of factors. Some of the common reasons behind hair shedding are poor nutrition, age, hormones and genes. Certain illnesses or diseases are also associated with the hair loss such as low thyroid hormone levels, anemia, lupus and cancer. It has also been found that medications such as chemotherapy, chemicals and radiation treatment are also responsible for causing baldness or hair loss. Concisely, hair loss can occur as a result of combination of following:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Family history of baldness
  • Trauma, stress
  • Burns
  • Aging

Hair loss in early life can result in severe baldness in future. Hence, one shall try to avoid the causes of hair loss by taking necessary preventive measures and treatments in the early stages.

Treatments for hair loss 

Statistic shows that two out of every three men and one in five women suffer from hair loss. Heredity is the major cause of baldness in men while hormonal changes such as menopause can cause hair loss in women. There are number of hair replacement techniques available for hair loss. However, hair replacement surgery is not of so much use to people who suffer from total baldness. There are four foremost types of hair replacement techniques which include:

Tissue expansion 

Tissue expansion is a technique that makes use of a device called tissue expander. This device is placed underneath a hair-bearing area that is located next to a bald area. Tissue expander helps in causing the skin to grow new skin cells, which occurs after several weeks. Another operation is performed to place the newly expanded skin over the adjacent bald spot. 

Hair transplantation 

Hair transplantation is a unique way of preventing hair loss. The surgeon removes small pieces of healthy hair-bearing scalp and grafts it on the bald or thinning area. 

Flap surgery 

Flap surgery is especially useful for the one who have large balding areas. During this procedure, a portion of bald area is removed and a flap of the hair-bearing skin is placed on to the bald area. 

Scalp reduction 

Scalp reduction is a special technique which is performed in order to cover the bald areas at the top and the back of head.

Women who have the habit of Smoking.

Tests have shown that women may, on average, find it harder to give up smoking than men. This is despite the fact that women are often more at risk to smoking related diseases than men. A woman's menstrual cycle can affect the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Nicotine is an alkaloid. It is found in tobacco and coca, and in lower quantities in tomato, potato, eggplant (aubergine), and green pepper. Nicotine constitutes approximately 0.6 - 3.0% of dry weight of tobacco. 

Smoking can interrupt the menstrual cycle and may cause women to enter menopause earlier than otherwise. Depending on what phase their cycle is in when they start an anti-smoking programme, it may alter how they respond to some anti smoking treatments. Among the sociological factors, women tend to be more concerned about gaining weight if they try to stop smoking. Women may also be more susceptible to environmental factors than men, associating smoking with specific moods or friends. Women and girls may be more susceptible to peer pressure and advertising. 

Women smokers are just as vulnerable to serious health problems like lung cancer or cardiovascular disease as their male counterparts. In women, however, smoking carries an increased risk of cardiovascular disease because it can affect their hormones, causing an oestrogen deficiency. Estrogen is a group of steroid compounds, named for their importance in the estrous cycle, and they function as the primary female sex hormone.

Women smokers are 10 times more likely to die from bronchitis (an inflammation of the bronchi in the lungs) or emphysema (a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and 12 times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smoking women. The rates of life-threatening smoker-related diseases are even worse for post-menopausal women and women taking birth control pills. Women who smoke and are also use oral contraceptives may have an increased risk of a heart attack or stroke. If you are a woman smoker aged between 35 and 64 then you are statistically nearly five times more likely to suffer from a stroke (rapidly developing loss of brain functions) than a non-smoking woman the same age.

In the developed nations like USA, lung cancer now accounts for 25% of all cancer deaths among women and has surpassed breast cancer as the leading form of cancer death. Smoking is believed to double the risk of cervical cancer. About 30% of all cervical cancers have been attributed to women smoking.

Smoking by women puts them at a higher risk of early menopause and infertility. If women smoke more than a pack of cigarettes a day or have started smoking before they were 18 years of age are placed at a greater risk of infertility. Women who smoke are also put at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis and other degenerative bone disorders. Smoking hinders the flow of blood to the bones and retards the creation of the cells that form new bone.

Pregnancy and smoking 

Women smokers who are pregnant run a greater risk of pregnancy complications, pre-term delivery, miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant death. Smoking can result in low birth-weight as babies born to smokers are on average 7 ounces lighter than those of non-smokers. If a women smokes while pregnant she is thought to have a 33% higher chance of losing her baby before or just after its birth. Even after a child is born, smoking by a parent increases the chances of sudden infant death syndrome, infant and prenatal deaths, learning disorders and attention deficit disorder in young children.

Women who are pregnant, or are intending to become pregnant, generally should not use Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) because of the damage that nicotine can do to the fetus. Women who are breast-feeding should not use NRT because the nicotine that passes into the system can easily enter the breast milk

Meditation and Mental Fitness

Basics of Meditation 

Brain is the only organ that separates human beings from other living animals on this planet. By using this incredible source of knowledge, we can manage, develop, apply and evaluate the upcoming things in and around us. However, not everyone finds it easy to use their brain. Even the great personalities have been found to use only 20 to 30 per cent of their brain. Hence, it can be rightly said that the brain has an extraordinary features which can help us in performing various tasks of our life. Eating right food, maintaining healthy lifestyle, staying away from stress, anxiety and negative thoughts are some of the factors which can help us in using the brain in a proper way.

Meditation is found to offer some extraordinary outputs to our brain. Meditation not only helps in relaxing the body but also sharpens the functioning of our brain. It can also help people to relieve from conditions such as insomnia, stress, depression, anxiety, pain and emotional problems. As a matter of fact, meditation not only helps to prevent certain diseases but also contribute to the well-being of mind and body. Few things that you must know before starting to mediate are as follows.

Sitting posture 

The first thing to understand while mediating is to sit right. You must find a calm place to start your mediation. Once you set a place for meditation, sit with your back as straight as possible. You can also take the help of cushion to keep your back straight. You may come across meditations cushions, candles, bells and statues in the market. Do not worry about all these articles, meditation can be performed without their help. The basic important thing is to sit straight and start meditating often.

Count the time 

Usually, people sit for mediation and keep on thinking about the time. During the process, they often stop meditation in between and look out for a watch. This happens because people take out time for meditation during the early hours of morning when they have to get engaged in other routines such as office, packing meals and so on. To avoid this, always keep a timer. If you do not have a timer, set an alarm on the clock and forget about the time while meditating. 

Breathing exercise 

Breathing exercise is considered as the perfect way to start meditation. It is hard to believe but we take over 10 millions breaths per year. Breathing is a unique exercise which shall be carried out carefully. When you start meditation, try to bring all your concentration on breathing mechanism. Notice every little thing about breathing such as the way we exhale, inhale and the tiny pauses that we tale in between. Just breathe naturally and try to focus on your breathing. Initially, you may start wandering in the thoughts but try to get back to breathing. With time, you will master this technique and would start getting benefits out of it. 

Meditation can help to keep you calm and stay alert in your daily routine. As you move further with meditation, you will start realizing the unbelievable benefits.

Improving the Mental Fitness

Human beings have ruled the planet earth by virtue of his brain. Brain is the active organ of our body which differentiates us from all the other living animals. With the help of brain, man has developed many valuable and precious inventions. During the schooldays, you may not require to do much of mental exercise as you learn lot of things on a regular basis. Even when you opt for a career, your brain constantly works on developing new skills and techniques. However, if your job does not require much of brain work, you need to do some exercises for its better functioning. After your retirement, you must start some kind of brain exercises to keep yourself active. Small things like reading novel, newspaper, enjoying the hobbies can help your brain to work constantly. Remember, as long as you keep your brain busy, you will stay active. Some of the factors that can enhance your brain performance during the childhood and early years of career development are: 

Engage yourself in games

Any kind of game is useful in maintaining the equilibrium of your body organs. Games that ask your brain to work shall be included in daily routine. Generally, games are said to be associated with physical fitness. But playing games can develop your brain to a large extent. Every game is played with a definite plan and that's how our brain comes in demand. Indoor games such as suduko, chess, crosswords and electronic games can help your brain to work speedily and efficiently. These games are fun and solely depend on logic, word skills, math and more. 


Physical exercises are essential for maintaining the overall health of the body. People join gym and aerobic classes to keep themselves in shape. Meditation, however, serves the purpose of maintaining the efficient working of your mind as well as body. Meditation helps in relaxing and giving workout to your brain. 


A healthy body is a result of regular exercise and nutritious diet. This holds true for the brain, too. It has been found that some foods can help the brain to work more efficiently. Try to add fish oils from wild salmon, seeds such as flax seed and olive oil and nuts such as walnuts in your diet. Avoid less saturated fat and eliminate transfats completely from your diet. 

Develop new skills

Always try to learn new things on a regular basis. It can be anything such as learning language, computer skills, reading different books and so on. Books are considered as the great source of knowledge. Pick up any book and start reading. Once you finish the book, try to memorize what have you read. Write down few things about the book like special characters, theme, what have you learned from the book and so on. This will help your brain to get sharp and know yourself more. Often, you can make the changes on the subjects of reading like if you read a book on history, try out a book on cooking or autobiography for the next time. You can also develop new skills like working with the opposite hand, preparing a plane from the sticks and renovating your desk. Each of these will help your brain to stay active. 

Few other things like staying away from television, telling good stories, making simple changes in your daily routine can offer your brain long-term benefits. Remember, if your brain is in sync with you, you can achieve anything in your life.

How to Stay Mentally Fit

Maintaining the mental status calm and active has become a dream in today's stressful lifestyle. To earn name and fame, people have started ignoring the basic requirements of a healthy mind and body. As a result, a large crowd has started experiencing the life threatening diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attacks and cardiovascular disorders. It is very important to stay active and alert to meet the needs of fast pace changing world. People keep trying various ways to achieve a healthy mind and body. To be competent in today's tech world has become the basic need of the hour. This can only be achieved with a healthy and active mind. Though maintaining a healthy mind seems to be a difficult task, it can be accomplished through daily workouts and doing innovative things. Let us see how we can improve the efficiency of our brain by inculcating some small activities in our daily routine. 


Meditation is probably the easiest and most effective way of improving our brain. It has been proved that people who meditate regularly are more active and innovative. Meditation is an inexpensive way to achieve a healthy mind. Small exercises such as breathing exercise can prove beneficial to one who undergoes meditation. Meditation shall be performed in silent places to gain the ultimate benefits. Regular meditation will help you to relax your body by reducing the stress levels.

Keep a positive environment around you

Healthy mind can be maintained by keeping yourself in the environment of positive energy. To stay around the positive energy, always think about the time when you had an experience of pleasure, comfort, happy and confident. If you find it difficult to recollect the positive thoughts, just stay calm. Negative thoughts are the major cause of depressive mind. It is hard to block them but they shall not be allowed to take you over. Try getting away from the negative results or thoughts, if you can not solve them at the first instant. 

Cultivate hobbies

Everyone has some kind of interest in doing something. Explore the things that you like doing the most. Make a hobby that you can perform on a regular basis. Hobbies such as playing musical instruments, gardening, playing games, collecting articles and so on can be adopted to stay busy. Performing hobbies will help you to keep your brain active. 

Setting goals

Setting goals does not necessarily mean to be linked with the career growth. Personal goals such as completing a painting, writing the diary, reading a book or even washing the car can boost your confidence to a great extent. Interesting things like calling a friend for a dinner, talking a walk around the corner, shopping for parents can also give you the utmost level of satisfaction. This will eventually help in elevating the healthy levels of your brain.

Socialize yourself

Try to meet new people and learn positive things from them. Share the humor when you read it somewhere to someone whom you know. Laughing is considered as the best medicine which holds perfectly true for healthy mind. 

Keep yourself doing the things that you really want to do. Remember, satisfaction and confidence are the two pillars of a healthy mind.

The healing powers of barley water.

Barley is an annual cereal plant (Hordeum vulgare and sometimes other species) of the family Gramineae (grass). Any plant of the family Gramineae, is an important and widely distributed plant. Barley was known to the ancient Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and Egyptians and was the chief bread material in Europe as late as the 16th century.

Historic Background... 

Today barley is typically a special-purpose grain with many varieties rather than a general market crop. It is a valuable stock feed (often used as a corn substitute) and is used for making malt (when the grain is of high quality). It is a minor source of flour and breakfast foods. Pearl barley is often used in soups. In the Middle East a limited amount of barley is eaten like rice. In the United States most spring barley comes from the western states and most winter barley is grown in the southeastern states for autumn and spring pasture and as a cover crop.

Health Benefits 
  • Barley Water is an ancient home remedy that was supposed to clear up the complexion and stop the formation of wrinkles.
  • This water mixture is for someone who has low agni (digestion). It is very easy to assimilate and nutritious for fat tissue which in turn makes good quality bone tissue. 
  • According to the scholars of hadith, barley is very nutritious and provides energy for the body, besides this is also beneficial in pharyngitis and cough. 
  • It resolves inflammation of the stomach (Gastritis), expels toxins from the body and is a good diuretic. 
  • It quenches thirst. Barley water is a good remedy for kidney problems. Barley water is given to sick people and to those who have lost their appetite. Barley water is a traditionally acclaimed drink which will support and nourish the kidneys in times of stress. It is an integral part of a kidney cleansing program, which will produce tremendous overall benefits.
  • According to Firdous Al-Hikmat, if a suspension prepared from one part of barley and Fifteen part of water is boiled, this volume becomes 2/3rd of its basic solution and it is a good antidote for at least a hundred diseases of the body 
  • Barley water is a traditionally acclaimed drink which will support and nourish the kidneys in times of stress. It is an integral part of a kidney cleansing program, which will produce tremendous overall benefits.
  • It is also used to treat cystitis. 
  • Barley water is a wonderful way to control Urinary Tract Infection during pregnancy. Upon regular usage, the foul smell of urine as well as the burning sensation totally disappears.
  • Barley water has been used as a first baby food, before feeding with barley mush. 

Considering the health benefits, barley is yet another cereal added to the diet of health conscious people. Our ancestors, used barley as a remedy for a number of disorders. They were also aware of its preventive properties. As they say 'Prevention is better than cure', it would be a wise decision to use this tasty diet option in our day-to-day eating patterns.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Diabetes

According to Ayurveda, diabetes is a metabolic disorder (Kapha disorder) in which diminished functioning of Agni (Digestive power) leads to a tendency toward high blood sugar. (Ayurveda recognizes 24 forms of the disease commonly classified under Prameha - 4 are due to Vata dosha, 6 are due to Pitta dosha, and 10 are caused by Kapha dosha. The main causes of these diseases are fat, urine, and Kapha buildups due to foods, liquids, lifestyle and others.)

Ayurvedic practitioners attack diabetes using a multiprong approach. First, they address diet modification, eliminating sugar and simple carbohydrates, and emphasizing complex carbohydrates. Protein is limited, since excessive intake can damage the kidneys. Fat is also limited because there is often a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, making fat digestion difficult. Since many diabetics have autoantibodies, a cleansing program is instituted.

Panchakarma therapy is typically used for this purpose. This begins with herbal massages and an herbal steam sauna, followed by fasting to cleanse the body. This is followed by an herbal purge for the liver, pancreas, and spleen. Colon therapy is next, first to cleanse the digestive tract and then to reconstitute the system.

Ayurvedic practitioners also use several herbal preparations for diabetics. Exercise is another cornerstone of Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes. Yoga and breathing exercises are traditionally used.


The most important herbs for all doshas are shilajit, gudmar turmeric, neem, amalaki, guggul, and Arjuna. Turmeric with aloe Vera gel (1 to 3 gms./.035 to .1 oz) is best used during the early stages of diabetes for regulating pancreas and liver functions.

1. Juice of bitter melon or bitter gourd (Momordica dioica, Roxb., Karela), or Rose apple (Eugenia Jambos, Linn., Jambu) or two tender leaves of Bilva (Aegle Marmelos, Corr., Bael fruit) and Neem (Melia azadirachta, Ravipriya, or Indian Lilac) may be taken on empty stomach daily. Juice of Jambu should be taken in an ounce quantity twice daily and that of Karela in 1-1/2 ounce dose daily. Shilajit (Swertia Decussata Nimmo.) is another useful medicine (250 mg as a single dose) should be taken, twice daily with juice of stone apple.

2. Use turmeric. Fill some 00-size capsules with turmeric, and take 2 capsules 3 times a day, a few minutes before meals. Continue this program for up to a month, and then reevaluate your condition. Clinical observation suggests that a person who is insulin dependent will experience a markedly diminished requirement for insulin; the diabetes can often be brought under control.

3. Take 1/2 teaspoon of ground bay leaf and 1/2 teaspoon turmeric, mixed in 1-tablespoon aloe Vera gel. Take the mixture twice a day before lunch and dinner.

4. Mix and grind seeds of Fenugreek (Methi) 100 gm, turmeric 50gm, Dakhni Mirch (white pepper). Take one teaspoon of this powder with a glass of milk twice daily. Alternately, immerse and soak one teaspoon of fenugreek seed in water. Take this in the morning, with water or with milk.

5. Take twice daily, with powder of rose apple stones (powder of Jambu or Jamun-ki-Guthali).

6. Include decoctions of triphala, fenugreek, musta, Arjuna, sandalwood, lodhra, ajwan, gokshura, vidanga, guduchi, haritaki, and chitrak. These may be taken with a small amount of ghee. Gudmar and shilajit are excellent.

7. Amalaki Churna (500mg), Haldi Powder (Turmeric Powder) 500mg and Naag Bhasma (125mg) should be taken with honey, twice daily (A 12-hourly dose).

Few Palliative Diabetic remedies:

1. Vasantha kusumakar Ras

2. Chandraprabhavati

3. Madhumehari granules

The Ayurveda preparation Vasanta Kusumakar Ras is very good buts expensive. Take two grains daily with a tsp. of cream or honey. In certain cases, the said medicine brings down sugar lever quite quickly; hence sugar-levels should be carefully monitored. When sugar has touched its normal range, the dose should be tapered in a graduated manner, and added with 500 mg pill of Chandraprabhavati.


Avoid excess intake of sweets, carbohydrates, and dairy products.

Take more fresh vegetables and bitter herbs.

Other useful foods include:

1. Roasted or fried barley, corn flour, light, bitter vegetables, barley porridge, ghee, rice, and herbs like gokshura, gudmar, triphala, musta, cardamom, fenugreek, or coriander, mixed with honey.

2. Triphala with amalaki juice can also be used to heal Prameha. Barley is the main food to heal urinary diseases.

3. Other Ayurvedic methods to heal Prameha (diabetes) include strenuous exercises, oil massage, steam, sitz or waist bath, and sprinkling of water and ointment. 

4. Dry ginger, cardamom, and sandalwood may be used in baths or taken orally. Gudmar is the best herb for digesting sugar in the pancreas.

5. A combination of gudmar and shilajit is an excellent remedy for diabetes that is often prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners.

Copper Water

Put one cup of water into a copper vessel at night, and drink the water in the morning.


1. Eliminate all objects that contain sugar from diet, like wheat, rice, potato, sugar, sugar cane and its juice, jaggery, sweet fruits.

2. Reduce fats, especially butter and ghee from diet.

3. Take barley soaked in a triphala decoction overnight, then mixed with honey and eaten several times a day. 

4. Orange, and lemon, may be taken as and when needed. 

5. Take bitter melon, in any form, without any fear, and Jamun and powder of its seed. 

6. Take plenty of vegetables, black gram, soy, fish etc.

Overview of Alternative Treatment for Hypertension


Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood on the artery walls when the heart contracts and relaxes. This blood pressure rises and falls with every heartbeat and is recorded as two figures which denote the normal blood pressure reading. High blood pressure is also called hypertension. More commonly, doctors ask for lifestyle changes and medications to treat hypertension. There are number of alternative methods through which a person can reach the goal of reducing high blood pressure. Some methods have come from traditional approach while some have been evaluated by clinical research and the others methods adapts the ways of reducing stress. Three most common alternative methods used for reducing high blood pressure are: 
  • Mind, body and traditional medicine
  • Medicinal herbs
  • Food supplements

Mind, Body and Traditional Medicine 

Acupuncture is a popular name and way to reduce hypertension. This therapy involves inserting thin needles to particular spots on the skin. Acupressure is another method used for reducing the causes of hypertension. However, this method is extremely dangerous for people with a blood pressure of more than 200/100. It has also been found that people with high blood pressure who undergo chiropractic spinal manipulation experience a significant reduction in blood pressure. However, experts are still finding out the exact uses of chiropractic manipulation for hypertension. 

Another study has revealed that regular massage can offer significant reductions in blood pressure. Stress is considered as one of the major causes of hypertension. Hence, it is believed that relaxation technique can help in reducing hypertension by alleviating feeling of stress. Transcendental meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, self-hypnosis and biofeedback technique have shown promising results for reducing hypertension. Biofeedback technique also helps in achieving healthful lifestyle modifications such as quit smoking and losing weight. 

Medicinal Herbs 

There are number of herbs that help in lowering the blood pressure. However, some herbs are found to have serious side effects. Hence, before using medicinal herbs for cutting down the blood pressure, consulting a doctor becomes essential. Some of the herbs that are found to be helpful in lowering high blood pressure are garlic, Hawthorne, and rauwolfia serpentina. Garlic has been useful in treating various diseases such as common cold and cancer. Use of garlic helps the blood vessels to thin and reduce the blood pressure by 5 to 10 per cent. It is also used for lowering cholesterol and discouraging clot formation. Hawthorne berries is widely used for treating cardiovascular diseases as they are considered as the safest herbs. Studies has revealed that Hawthorne berries protect arterial walls, lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and strengthen the heart's pumping ability. Rauwolfia serpentina is a powerful herb that can reduce blood pressure by taking small dose. 

Food supplements 

A nutritious diet is must for eliminating high blood pressure as well as other diseases. A nutritious diet is the one that contains all the essential elements required for better functioning of our body organs. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 and omega-3 fatty acids are considered as the essential nutrients require for normal blood pressure. They all are believed to contribute to lower the high blood pressure in one or the other way.

Taking Control of Diabetes

Taking Control of Diabetes 

Diabetes can bring about many changes, but the most important thing to remember is that you are in control! Making small changes in the way you manage diabetes and how you eat and live can bring about a healthier future.

Having a sick day? Illness, such as a cold or flu, can cause serious problems with your diabetes control. Because everyone reacts differently to illness, talk to your doctor or diabetes educator about the best ways to manage your diabetes when you are sick. Here are some general guidelines: 

  • Always take your diabetes medication, even if you are not eating. Check the dosage with your doctor. 
  • Check your temperature four times a day.
  • Drink plenty of calorie-free liquids (8 to 12 ounces per hour).
  • Check your blood glucose every four to six hours and record results.
  • If you can't eat your meals, drink regular liquids (with sugar) and try eating crackers, toast, soup, hot cereal, juices, milk, eggs, etc. 

How to care for your feet?
Your feet need special attention because diabetes can reduce the body's ability to sense problems. By checking your feet daily, you can detect blisters, calluses or cuts and act to prevent bugger problems. Follow these guidelines for healthy feet:

  • Wash your feet every day. Dry them, even between toes.
  • Get your feet checked at every doctor's visit.
  • See a foot doctor for nail and foot care.
  • Inspect feet daily - especially between toes.
  • File nails - do not cut them.
  • Treat infections or sores right away. 
  • Protect feet from injury - do not go barefoot.
  • Wear proper fitting shoes. 
  • Exercise feet, ankles and legs.
  • If you can't see the bottoms of your feet, use a mirror or have someone check them for you.
  • Do not wear shoes without socks. Wear cotton socks.
  • Do not use inserts or pads.
  • Avoid pointed or open-toe shoes.

Daily Monitoring 

You are the person making decisions about your health on a daily basis. Monitoring is the key to staying in control. Checking glucose levels allows you to:

  • Detect problems before they get out of hand.
  • Determine where changes in your diabetes plan are needed.
  • Determine if how you feel is because of high or low blood glucose levels.
  • See the effect of food or activity on glucose levels. 

Check your blood sugar more often when: 

  • You are sick.
  • There are changes in your treatment program, activity or food intake.
  • Glucose values are outside of the desired range.
  • There are many high or low blood glucose levels.


There is no big secret to getting in shape. But there are some things you should know that can make it easier. There are several benefits of regular exercising including that it- 

  • Relieves tension and stress.
  • Reduces body fat.
  • Controls your appetite.
  • Improves muscle tone and strength.
  • Helps lower glucose levels. 
  • Lowers blood pressure.


Know Your Target Values 

The HbA1c is a blood test done in the lab that averages all the glucose levels in your body over the past two to three months. Together with a record of your daily glucose levels, you and your doctor will be able to see how well your overall treatment plan is working and where changes are needed.

Use the Blood Glucose Tracker to keep a track of your daily glucose levels.

It is important to know what you are working so hard to achieve. Discuss what your glycohemoglobin and glucose levels should be most of the time with your diabetes doctor.

Making Sense of Those Blood Glucose Readings 

To be in charge of your diabetes, you need to know how to respond to your glucose results. Try these steps:

  • Know your target glucose levels.
  • Monitor glucose levels for three to four days in a row.
  • Look for a pattern of glucose levels.
  • If they are higher or lower than target, determine which factors are responsible for the patterns.
  • If patterns are outside your desired range and you do not know what to do, call someone.
  • DO NOT ignore your results!


Make sure you're doing all you can to prevent health problems later! During each visit, discuss the following points with your Diabetes Team or Doctor: 

  • Glucose goals.
  • Meal plans. 
  • Activity program.
  • Glucose testing schedule.
  • Treatment of high and low blood glucose levels.
  • Changes in medication.
  • Birth control (if applicable)

Your Annual Review

At least once a year, be sure to have these tests: 
  • Kidney function: Protein may signal that your kidneys are not working properly. 
  • Blood fats: Cholesterol and triglycerides tell you about your risk for developing or worsening heart disease.
  • Eye exam by an eye doctor specializing in diabetics: Early detection and the proper treatment does make a difference. 
  • Blood pressure: Uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the chances for all the diabetes health problems.
  • Blood flow and nerve check of the feet: Your feet are the only ones that you have! Protect and treat them with tender loving care. 

Coping Strategies

Research shows the coping strategies can help people stay healthy. See if you can work some of these ideas into your own routine:

  • Take time each day to relax.
  • Focus on your positive qualities.
  • Maintain a good support system - including friends, family and pets.
  • Use humour and laughter to ease stressful times.
  • Give yourself a positive "self" message every day.

Food Poisoning

What is food poisoning? 

Food poisoning is a condition that arises as a result of eating or drinking contaminated food. Foods that contain harmful organisms such as viruses, bacteria and parasites are responsible for food poisoning. These organisms are generally found in fish, chicken, egg, raw meat and eggs but can spread in any kind of food. Food poisoning can also occur in people who do not wash hands before taking their meals. Essentially, foods containing germs is the main cause for food poisoning. Germs can enter in our foods through following ways:

  • Eating flesh of the animal which already had bacteria in their intestines.
  • Through the water that we use for washing the food. This water may contain germs from animal manure or human sewages. Thus, the germs can be found in the vegetables and fruits, too.
  • Germs can also enter into your body, if you do not wash your hands before eating. Unwashed hands may contain number of germs in it which is spread to the food items after touching them. 

Commonly, food poisoning is mild and goes away after few days. However, if it lasts longer, it may lead to health complications.


Sometimes, it gets difficult to figure out that you have food poisoning or something else. You may start feeling sick soon after eating the contaminated food. If the food poisoning is mild in nature, you will soon be fit. Some of the common symptoms of food poisoning are:

  • Nausea (upset stomach)
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever

Treatment for food poisoning 

In most of the cases, food poisoning goes on its own and does not require hospitalization. The type of treatment for food poisoning will depend on the specific germ that makes you sick. Hospitalization is only required when you get dehydrated. Doctors would recommend you to stick with normal diet to get the essential nutrients. Try avoiding foods that are high in sugar and fat. Stay away from spicy food, coffee and alcohol till the complete recovery.

Dehydration is often associated with food poisoning as the body loses fluids due to diarrhea and vomiting. Fluids and electrolytes that are lost due to these factors are normalized by providing it intravenously. Rehydration drink such as Lytren, Rehydralyte or Pedialyte can help in preventing dehydration. Sometimes, medications can be recommended to minimize the symptoms. Antibiotics are rarely used for treating food poisoning but pregnant women may be recommended to achieve immediate results.

How to prevent food poisoning 

Food poisoning can be completely avoided by taking necessary precautions before, during and after having the meals. Always wash your hands before taking any kind of food. Check that everyone else in your family follows this healthy habit. Some of the precautions that you can cultivate to avoid food poisoning are:

  • Wash fruits, vegetables and meat before cooking them.
  • Stick to well-cooked food. If the meat looks pink and raw from inside, avoid it!!
  • Smell and see the food before eating. This is especially good if you are eating outside. If you smell something different than normal, reject the food.
  • While eating leftovers, always heat them first and then start eating.
  • Do not eat the packaged foods if they have passed the expiry date. Always look for the expiry date before purchasing any kind of packaged foods.
  • Always keep the food inside the refrigerator as the bacteria grow rapidly in room temperature.

Following the above precautions will always keep you away from food poisoning.

Feed your bone with Calcium

Understanding Calcium : Calcium is essential for all living organisms, particularly in their cell physiology, where the movement of the calcium ion functions as a signal for many cellular processes. Bone and joint problems that develop in the late 40s of ones life, clearly indicate the deficiency of calcium. Calcium (Ca) deficient abnormalities like Osteoporosis (Osteoporosis is a disease of bone that leads to an increased risk of fracture) in women and Rickets in children are commonly prevalent in India.

Calcium constitutes a major portion of bones, teeth, soft tissues and fluids. It is involved in normal muscle stimuli, clotting of blood, and maintenance of permeability of cell membranes. The amount of Calcium in ones diet determines the future status of bone health. As in the case of pregnant and lactating mothers, if adequate Calcium is not provided in the diet, the bones will become porous and lead to Osteoporosis where the bones will either bend or break with the weight of the body. In children too, Calcium deficiency affects the skeletal formation resulting in weak bones and rickets.

Calcium- rich diet: 

Adult men and women require between 700-1000 mg/day. When measuring this intake one must remember that only 20-30% of calcium in the average diet is absorbed. This is why, some healthier options that would help to meet one's Calcium requirements include: 

  • A glass of milk twice a day.
  • Use of curd at one meal instead of salads.
  • Til and groundnut chikki.
  • Fish such as mackeral, hilsa ravas
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Some spice - methi, poppy and coriander seeds contribute to the given recipe.

Hence, before making these changes in your diet, it is very important to get rid of the hindrances that prevent calcium absorption. It helps to bear in mind these ground rules:

Presence of phytates (cereal bran) hinders the absorption. of Calcium. Absorption is also adversely affected by excess fats, fiber and oxalates (leafy veggies) in one's diet. Use of sodium (salt) increases the rate of calcium depletion.

However, there are many substances that aid calcium absorption:

  • Vitamin C in one's diet aids Calcium absorption.
  • Potassium rich foods (fruits, vegetables, roots and beans) reduces calcium losses and bone turnover.

Moderate, rather than low or high, protein intake is probably best for resolving calcium related problem and Osteoporosis:

Physical activity along with adequate calcium in ones diet will help make your bones stronger. At the same time negligence of these factors will make your bones weak and porous and this could lead to Osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is the major cause of bone fractures in the elderly. Hence Osteoporosis is better prevented than treated. Prevention includes an adequate intake of calcium throughout ones life, especially in childhood and young adulthood. You can also minimize osteoporosis by avoiding risk factors like smoking, heavy alcohol use and lack of physical exercise.

'Effort and Awareness are like the 2 sides of a coin that can really create wonders in your life.'

Burning fat

Facts about Fat 

Almost everyone today is obsessed with losing weight. There are many different methods of achieving a fat-free body. Some methods prove beneficial to a group of people while others do not acquire the same results. If you look after your diet, exercise regular and consult our doctor regularly then it isn't difficult to achieve a fat-free life. However, if your body does not have excess fat, you do not need strenuous exercise. Also note that all of us require certain amount of fat for our vital organs to function properly. Here are some not-so-common facts about body-fat. 

The human body can burn 10% of its fat naturally. It can do this by efficiently processing all the nutrients we consume. The cells in the muscle tissue can burn calories more efficiently than fat cells. Hence, a person with more muscle can burn calories more easily as compared to someone with low or weak muscle cells. 

Simple tips for burning calories 

You can easily adapt a lifestyle that can help you in burning the extra fats. The body can be molded into a real fat burning machine just by increasing the activity level in your daily activities. It is always better to actively participate in some aerobic exercises to burn more fat. Some of the most common activities that you can include in your daily life to burn extra calories are: 
  • Walk regularly. Do not try to find the closest park for walking or jogging. Instead, try to walk to the park which is away from your home.
  • Try to adapt walking after the lunch. There is no need to walk to a park after having your lunch. You can walk around your office building after completing the lunch for 10 minutes. The idea behind it is to inculcate the walking habit everyday after your lunch.
  • Women can also adapt walking whenever they go out for shopping. Try to walk around the shopping mall before entering the building for shopping. 
  • People who go to office by bus or company transport should try to pick the bus from one or two stops later from the usual stops. 
  • During holidays, try to walk around your locality or near the favorite place for at least 10 minutes. Burning calories is all about walking some extra mile everyday.

Exercising tips 

Regular exercise of any kind is useful for burning those extra fats on your body. However, taking some care before going for exercise can help you to increase your time during work out. Eating a low-carbohydrate protein bar 90 minutes before actual work out will help you to spend more time in gym. Always inhale and exhale through nose instead of mouth which will help in stabilizing heart rate and increasing the endurance. Before adapting a heavy exercise, always do a warm up. A quality warm up is very much essential before undergoing strenuous exercise. Try to cultivate the habit of doing different workouts everyday for e.g. Jog one day, swim or do some biking the next day.

Preventing Hair Loss through Diet

Understanding hair loss: 

Alopecia is the medical term used for hair loss. Loss of hairs can occur in any part of the body that normally has hair, such as eyelashes and eyebrows. Hair loss to certain extent is common and occurs in every individual. It has been found that a normal, healthy person sheds around 50 to 100 hairs on a daily basis. But most of the hairs that had been shed grow back. A healthy hair has a life cycle of approximately three to six years. Hair loss becomes a problem when the shed hairs do no come back or fail to regrow. Baldness or hair loss is considered as a genetic problem. Hair shedding or temporary hair loss can occur due to various reasons. Poor nutrition and diet, genetics, hormonal changes, and aging are some of the causes of hair loss. Certain medications such as chemotherapy, infections, chemicals and radiation therapy can also lead to hair loss. Some diseases such as anemia, cancer and low thyroid hormone levels can also cause hair loss. Let us see some of the essential nutrients that can help in preventing hair loss. 

Vitamin A 

Vitamin A is a vital nutrient which helps in promoting the growth and health of cells and tissues. Even the cells and tissues of the hair and scalp require this nutrient for better growth. Deficiency of Vitamin A in the body can result in dandruff and thereby causing hair loss. Vitamin A can be achieved in two ways, through plant sources and animal sources. Plant sources contain Carotenoids which converts beta carotene into Vitamin A in the body. Animal sources provide vitamin A in the form of retinol. Some of the vitamin A sources are:

  • Red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables.
  • Liver
  • Fish oil
  • Fortified milk 
  • Eggs.

Other Vitamins 

Vitamin B6, folic acid and vitamin B12 are the three essential vitamins required for the normal formation of blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin helps in transporting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues in the body which includes the hair, too. Healthy and strong hair is a result of constant supply of blood and oxygen. Deficiency of these vitamins can reduce the blood and oxygen supply to hairs and thereby resulting in hair shedding, slow regrowth and damaged hair. Leafy vegetables, nuts, legumes, fortified cereals are some of the plant sources of these vitamins. Chicken, liver, kidney, pork and fish are some of the animal sources of these vitamins. 

Other essential nutrients 

Protein is another vital nutrient needed for normal growth of hairs. Vitamin C is essential for producing collagen that helps to strengthen the hair. In some cases, deficiency of biotin can also cause hair loss. However, people who follow a healthy diet will rarely come across this deficiency. Deficiency of iron in the body leads to cause anemia and eventually hair loss. Absence of adequate zinc in the body can result in dandruff as well as hair loss, too. All of these essential nutrients can be achieved through healthy diet. Healthy diet must contain vegetables such as dark green leafy vegetables, cereals and nuts. Fruits such as citrus fruits, berries and melon shall also be included in the balanced diet to prevent hair loss. Animal sources such as meat, poultry, egg, fish and pork can also help in preventing hair loss. Along with these sources, try to keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water. 

Once you cultivate the habit of balanced diet in your daily regime, hair loss and other diseases will get miles away.

Diet for handling stress

Stress and food habits: 

How about the incredible allure of chocolate when the seemingly last possibility for anything wonderful has just fizzled in your face? No, it's not your imagination. You really do crave rich foods when stress is unrelenting. When you experience sudden danger, your brain instantly signals your body to turn out a hormone called Cortisol. It in turn relays the message throughout the body to mobilize you for a life-saving response. Blood vessels constrict and divert the flow of blood from leisurely processes such as digestion to fast-acting muscles. Metabolism shifts too, and energy is made rapidly available to your muscles, readying them for action. 

How about the incredible allure of chocolate when the seemingly last possibility for anything wonderful has just fizzled in your face? No, it's not your imagination. You really do crave rich foods when stress is unrelenting.

When you experience sudden danger, your brain instantly signals your body to turn out a hormone called Cortisol. It in turn relays the message throughout the body to mobilize you for a life-saving response. Blood vessels constrict and divert the flow of blood from leisurely processes such as digestion to fast-acting muscles. Metabolism shifts too, and energy is made rapidly available to your muscles, readying them for action. 

Why is it that whenever we overcome incredible stress, we want to reach for something to binge on and engage in over eating? We tend to overeat when faced with stress. So what are we left with here? There is no way to avoid stress, so are we doomed by the influence of stress on our eating habits? Is it possible to make some healthy changes even though you may be eating for reasons other than hunger? 

Breaking the food habits:

Different types of stress can cause you to crave different kinds of foods. However, there are ways to break that cycle and stop eating to feed emotional hunger. 

  • Try to limit refined carbohydrates as much as possible, as those foods can (easily) cause blood-sugar swings that lead to anxiety, irritability, headaches, confusion and other signs of stress. Such foods include refined sugar and anything made with it, refined flour and its products such as bread or pasta, and vegetables that are high in starch, such as potatoes (chips!). 
  • A little chocolate may help fight stress, since it helps release endorphin neurotransmitters, nature's morphine. Excessive stress depletes neurotransmitters that help regulate emotions. However, using food to alter your moods won't make the reason for your stress disappear. 
  • Anything from a walk around the block to a gym workout will help lessen the effects of stress, while helping your body be and feel healthier. Exercise is essential to any weight loss program. Just start moving.
  • Don't deprive yourself of food, which often leads to binge eating. Instead, eat what you want and toss out guilt. Balance that choice with a healthier option.
  • Do a stress inventory when you find yourself eating more, or not eating at all. By tuning in to your physical and behavioral reactions, it's easier to face stress-causing problems head-on.
  • Learn what purpose food is serving. Stress eating is usually a response to emotional hunger. Keep a chart for two weeks to monitor your food and feelings connection. 

Overcoming stress-related eating isn't always easy, but it is possible. The bottom line is that the more you know and care for yourself, the less likely you will be reaching for food.

Healthy Living Diet & Nutrition Exercise & Fitness Alternative Therapies Women's Health Men's Health Children's Health Pregnancy Weight Manag

Facts behind Fats 

Losing weight is a burning issue in today's modern world. Almost everyone today is after finding the ways and means of losing weight. A fat-free life can be achieved by cultivating a healthy lifestyle. Some methods prove beneficial to a group of people while others get depressed by the results. Looking after a diet, regular exercise and consulting a doctor are some of the traditional and efficient ways to achieve a fat-free life. However, if your body does not have excess fats, you do not require adapting strenuous exercises. That does not mean that you should stop exercising and wait for the fats to overcome the limits. Some amount of fats is required for proper functioning of the organs. Let us see some of the facts behind fats that are normally not known to many.

Our body consists of billion of cells which are categorized into muscle cells, fat cells, blood cells and so on. These cell burn lots of energy while performing their daily activities. Our body burns 10% of fats naturally by processing the nutrients that we consume. Muscle cells are more efficient to burn calories than fat cells. Hence, a person with healthy or more muscle cells burn calories easily as compared to a person with low or weak muscle cells. Optimum amount of calories are required by the body to conserve the fuel and maintain proper metabolism. Here are the 7 most easy and efficient ways to burn fats:

Fat burning foods 

There are numerous foods which are capable of burning fats naturally. Spices can help in burning more calories by triggering a thermodynamic burn which lasts for several hours after eating. Hence, we must add optimum amount of spices in our daily diet to reduce the excessive fats naturally.

Eating schedule 

Many people come across problem of excess fats even after adapting a regular exercise. In such cases, the excess fat may be because of not having proper eating time. You must take care of having your breakfast, lunch and dinner on time. Keep sufficient break times in between eating the meals. Breakfast is considered as highly essential for being active throughout the day and hence it shall not be skipped. The best time to eat the largest portion of the food is before 2'o clock. Try taking light foods during the night as your body is at rest when you go asleep.

Check the amount of food 

The ideal way to stay active is to have three small meals and two small snacks daily. If you keep your stomach empty, it will hamper the burning process of fats and if you eat more, the extra calories will be stored as fat. Therefore, one must take optimum amount of food after considerable interval for proper functioning of burning mechanism.

Regular exercise 

Cultivating a habit of regular exercise helps the body to prevent build up of fat. There is no need to go to gym or perform strenuous exercises for burning the fats. Climbing the stairs, 30 minutes of walk or even light aerobic exercise can provide positive results. Do not try to do the same exercise everyday as the body will get used to it and eventually it will stop burning fats. Inhaling and exhaling through your nose instead of mouth can also help in stabilizing heart rate and increasing the endurance.

If you adapt the above tips in you daily activities, you would surely achieve a fat-free life.

Know more about your Tongue

Role of Tongue 

Would you ever like to have a tasteless food in your meal? How would you feel if you find it difficult to feel the taste of your favorite food like jalebi, samosas, burger, and pizza and so on? Surely, you will choose to stay without food. So, who brings the taste to your food when they are eaten? Which organ of your body takes effort to give taste to your deliciously cooked food? Yes, you are absolutely right; it's the tongue that helps in understanding the taste of any kind of food. The tongue helps in distinguishing the taste and nature of food that we take. However, besides the taste, it also plays a vital role in articulating words. Our speech is incomplete without the use of tongue. Hence, when someone asks you the use of tongue, do not just reply taste but add one more function as speech.

Anatomy of tongue 

You can move your tongue in multiple directions. It is possible due to the presence of group of muscles which run in different directions. Underneath your tongue is a thin, soft and smooth skin called mucous membrane. Just have a look at your friend's tongue and you will see a lot of blood vessels and the mucous membrane. The tongue's muscle requires a lot of blood as they work throughout the day. 

Tonsils are present at the back of your mouth. There are two types of tonsils, lingual and palatine tonsil. Lingual tonsil is present at the back of your tongue. The two tonsils called palatine tonsils are present near the beginning of the throat, each at one side. Tonsils help in catching and destroying the germs which try to enter our body. However, when there is more number of germs, the tonsils get swollen up. That is how we get tonsillitis.

The tongue is fastened to the mandible (jaw bone) and to the front of the throat. Pharynx is present just behind the tonsils. It can be seen when you look past the tonsils. 

Working of Tongue 

Tongue is especially engaged in the work of tasting. However, it contributes in performing various other activities, too. It co-operates with cheeks and teeth for moving the food around the mouth, when you eat or swallow. Tongue also helps in digesting the food and cleaning your mouth and teeth, once you finish eating. The tongue muscles also push saliva and small portions of food into the oesophagus. Tongue and nose work in combination for smelling and tasting the food that you take inside. 

There are hundreds of small bumps called papillae on the top of your tongue. Some of these papillae are like short stiff threads that are rough in nature. They have number of nerve endings that are sensitive to touch. Their rough nature helps in licking the smooth foods such as ice-cream. Inside the papillae, there are lots of taste buds which help in differentiating tastes. Different region of tongue are specialized in giving or evaluating different tastes, such as:

  • Front part of the tongue- senses salty or sweet tastes.
  • Sides of the tongue- senses sour tastes.
  • Back of the tongue- senses bitter tastes. 

Besides tasting, tongue works with lips, teeth and palate to make different sounds while talking or singing. Babies learn the feel of various objects by putting them inside the mouth and feeling them with the tongue. This is the only reason why you will find that small children always try to put the things inside their mouth.

Know more about your Digestive System


Can you name few of the activities that you perform everyday? You will certainly have a long list which would include things like eating, playing, cooking, reading, washing, traveling and so on. Now, can you list some of the activities that you accomplish in the early hours of morning? Your list would surely have one activity, going to bathroom!!!

Most of us start our daily activities by going to bathroom. The rest of the day is passed comfortably, if the bathroom activities are accomplished properly. If you suffer from even a minute problem in digestive system, you are likely to suffer from a range of other problems like headaches, dizziness or laziness etc. therefore, it is very essential for us to accomplish the two bathroom activities comfortably, poo and wee. The solid waste produced by our digestive system is called as poo or faeces while the liquid waste is produced by kidneys, termed as urine or wee. Let us see how does the digestive system work for us?

How does Digestive System work? 

The digestive system includes a range of organs that starts from mouth and ends in anus. During the entire process, many organs participate to remove waste materials from our body. When we start eating the foods, they are properly chewed into smaller pieces and water (saliva) is added to it. The chewing is one of the essential parts of digestion. Smaller pieces of food help in digesting the food easily. Therefore, doctors suggest that everyone should masticate (chew) the food at least for 32 times before proceeding further. Saliva helps the food to pass through oesophagus easily and reach to the stomach. The muscles in the oesophagus squeeze the food along and the process is called as peristalsis. 

Acid is mixed with the food in the stomach to start the digestion process. The food is passed into the small intestine for further digestion. Small intestine is the upper part of the bowel where the enzymes are added to the food. Here, the complex food molecules are converted into the smaller particles in such a way that they can be sent to the other organs and body cells. The smaller particles of the food are absorbed through the wall of the small intestine into the blood. From here, the journey of the food starts to different parts of the body. The complex or big molecules of food that can not be absorbed in the small intestine goes to the lower bowel. 

What happens to the Complex molecules? 

Water, the undigested food and the body waste move to the lower bowel which is known as the large intestine. Here, bacteria help in breaking the complex molecules into nutrients like water and some vitamins. These nutrients are absorbed by the body. The bacteria also prepare some gases such as hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulphide. Besides these, if there are still any food particles present, they stay in the lower part of the bowel called the rectum. Once the waste in the rectum reaches its limit, the nerves in the rectum sends the message to the brain for the disposal of waste. That is the time when we rush to the bathroom for removing the waste from the body. At the time of waste disposal, the anus opens and the muscles in the rectum push out the faeces.

Know more about Skin

Basics about Skin 

Many a times you must have come across a saying which goes "First impression is the last impression". This saying means the way you appear, and the way you carry yourself in different situations. However, a general conception about first impression stresses on how you look. So, which organ plays an important in displaying your looks? Of course, skin is probably the most important part of your body that helps in enhancing the entire looks. So, let's learn some basics things about this important and vital part of our body.

Skin is considered as the basic and sensory organ which helps in sensing the touch and feel of any object. However besides these, skin also performs a lot of work in our daily life. Some of the important activities that skin performs are:

  • Holding the body structure together.
  • Preventing leakage of water and body fluids from the body.
  • Preventing the entry of germs and infection inside the body.
  • Sensing the temperature of objects.
  • Providing the feel of pain.

Main components of Skin 

Skin is essentially made up of 3 layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous layer. They work together and perform the important functions like protecting the body. Let us learn more about these three components of skin.


Epidermis is the layer of the skin that you can see. Epidermis cells are divided into two major parts. Deep down the epidermis lives the growing cells and the outside cells are termed as dead cells. The dead cells are easily rubbed off and the growing cells take their place. These cells contain keratin which is waterproof and hard in nature. Other cells in the epidermis produce a pigment known as melanin. Melanin is responsible for the color of your skin. It also protects the skin from harmful radiation from sunlight. Darker the skin more is the protection. Hence, people with fair skin are more prone to sun burn. 


The dermis is a thicker and more elastic layer of the skin. The dermis is probably the most important layer of skin which comprises of sebaceous glands, hair follicles, blood vessels and nerves. 

Sebaceous gland produces sebum oil which keeps the skin soft and waterproof. Sweat glands produce sweats and send it to the surface of the skin through small pores. Sweating is generally occurred when you are in hot surroundings. This phenomenon helps in keeping the body temperature cool. Most of the body parts are covered with hairs which are developed in hair follicle region of the dermis. Blood vessels carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells as well as carry away the waste. 

Subcutaneous layer 

The subcutaneous layer is mainly made up of fat which acts as protector as well helps in keeping the body warm.

Some interesting facts 

Believe it or not, skin is the largest organ of our body. Around 15 per cent of the total weight or 6 pounds is due to the skin. Skin is different for different people. Remember, no one in this world has same fingerprints!!!!!

Know more about Nails

Basics about Nails 

Nails are found only in two parts of your body, fingers and toes. They are developed in folds of the skin near the end of fingers and toes. The growth of the nail starts underneath the skin and continues over the nail bed towards the end of toes and fingers. Nail separates from the skin underneath it and changes from pink to white. 

Nails are formed by the process known as keratinization. Keratin is a type of protein present in the top layer of skin, nails and hairs. Due to the presence of keratin, cells in the root of the nail flatten and become harder. The new cells formed push the hard cells out and finally emerges as the nail. Nails have a pink appearance due to the presence of tiny blood vessels underneath which feed the nail bed. Nails are dead and do not require any food. 

Importance of nails 

Though nails are tiny parts of our body, they help in various ways. The foremost function of the nails is to protect the ends of fingers and toes. Which part of the body helps you in a situation of itching? Yes, nails also helps in scratching the body parts where you feel itching. Nails are useful when you want to pick up small things. Ever imagined how you would pick up needles or pins, if they fall on the ground. Nails can only perform this part of picking up the small things like pins, nuts, needles and so on. In animals like dog, cat, and wild animals nails provide the ease of catching and tearing the foods for them. Hence, claws of wild animals are nicely developed with specialties like narrow, strong and spiny structures.

Taking care of Nails 

We are often careless about keeping the nails healthy. However, everyone must take care of this tiny but important part of our body. Some of the tips to keep the nails healthy and beautiful are:

  • Wash the areas around and near your nails, everyday.
  • Cut your nails on a regular basis.
  • Fingernails can be filed with a nail file or can be cut with nail clippers.
  • It is always better to cut the nails after taking the bath. This is because the nails gets softer and easier to cut after the bath.
  • Always keep the nail straight and short.
  • If your nails are weak, use a nail cream to provide the strength.
  • Always wear shoes or thongs to prevent fungal infections.

Interesting facts about nails 

Nails of fingers grow about 2 times faster than the nails of toe. Nails grow faster in summer than winter. If the root of nail is not badly injured, it will grow again. Nails are the organs which does not give pain at the time of cutting. Thumbnail is the slowest growing nail on the hand while middle finger nail is the fastest. Nails and hair get longer after the death of the person due to the changes in the tissues around them. 

If your nails are pink in color, it means that you have enough iron in the body and the blood circulation is efficient throughout the body.

Know more about Muscles


You can see lot of youngsters sweating out in four-walled gymnasium and health clubs. It is a fashion trend now-a-days to have a muscular structure to attract people and to make a distinct place in the group. It seems everyone today is running after having a muscular body. Before building your muscles, let us try to learn something about this special part of our body. 

Muscles are essentially made of fibers which help in moving the various parts of our body. Each fiber is made up of long thin cells which are packed in bundles. Myosin and actin are the two kinds of protein present in fibers. Perimysium is a thin skin that covers each bundle. More bundles of fibers indicate that the muscles are big. Muscles also consists nerves which carry messages to and from the brain. Blood vessels in muscles help in providing energy to the muscles and carry away the waste. 

Types of muscles 

Primary function of muscles is to provide movement to the different parts of the body. Many of the muscles are termed as skeletal muscles as they are attached to the bones. Muscles can be categorized in two ways depending upon the shape and functioning. Depending on the shape of the muscles, they can be categorized into four types which are as follows:

  • Spindle shaped muscles- this type of muscles are thick in the middle and thinner at the ends. Muscles of your biceps and triceps of upper arms are the best example for this kind of muscles. Bend your arm up to see the shape of such muscles.
  • Flat muscles- they are flat in shape such as muscles in your diaphragm and forehead.
  • Triangular muscles- this muscle is like the deltoid muscle which is present at the top of your arm. This muscle helps in pulling your arm up.
  • Circular muscles- these muscles are found in many parts of our body, also called as ring-shaped muscles. Muscles around the mouth, pupils of the eyes, inside the bladder and the anus when you have finished going to the toilet.

Muscles can also be categorized in another ways as voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles. Voluntary muscles are the one that can work when the message is sent to the brain. In simple ways, these muscles work in control condition. Muscles of your arms, legs are the best example of voluntary muscles. Involuntary muscles do not need any messages from the brain to work. They know their job perfectly and accomplish it without any order from the brain. Muscles in your heart, digestive system and the tiny muscles at the bottom of the hairs are the best examples of involuntary muscles. 

Keeping the muscles healthy 

There are only two ways of keeping the muscles healthy, by eating right food and by exercising. Muscles get energy to work efficiently from glucose. Therefore, foods that are rich in carbohydrates or glucose shall be taken to keep the muscles healthy. Foods such as meat, egg, fish and broccoli are rich in carbohydrates.

Regular exercise is the best way to keep the muscles active. Always perform some stretching exercise to flexibility to the muscles. While exercising during summer, drink lot of water to prevent stiffness after the work out. Sweating and not drinking lot of water leads to problem called muscle spasm. Too much of stretching can also develop strain in the muscles.

Eating foods such as fruits, vegetables, pasta, bread and potatoes can give enough fuel to your muscles to work efficiently. To have strong and healthy muscles, include foods like milk products, fish and meat in your diet.

Know more about Moles


A mole is a common benign growth of the color cells of the skin called melanocytes. Melanocytic nevus is a medical name for mole. Moles are commonly found in almost everyone's body. Moles that appear right from the birth are termed as birth marks. However, not all birthmarks are moles. 

Moles normally appear in the first year of life and the number increase during the second and third decade. The number of moles can also increase due to the increase in sun exposure. Some moles may disappear in the seventh to ninth decade of life. Number of moles on your body is the strongly indicates the risk of developing a malignant melanoma. Researchers believe that number of innocent moles on the skin and the chances of developing an abnormal or changing mole have direct relationship. 

Basic facts about Moles 

Moles present in the arm area predict the number of moles elsewhere on the body. Usually, body parts that are exposed to the harmful sun rays are more affected. These parts of the body would have more number of moles. Highly dense mole area would have moles that are less than 5 mm in diameter. Larger moles are found on intermittently sun exposed areas such as back and chest. Moles are likely to grow in size before 20 years of age. As you grow old, normal moles are unlikely to grow. 

Puberty is the time when the developments of moles are at its peak. Moles may have following feature and characteristics:

  • Moles may vary in color such as brownish, brownish-black, blue-black or skin colored.
  • Moles can develop individually or in a group.
  • Some moles might seem smooth or "warty".
  • Initially, they are flat but may grow in size. Some moles may also grow hairs over it.
  • Sometimes, moles slowly fade and go away.
  • As you grow old, some moles may change and disappear. 

Keep a close eye on Moles 

Moles can be dangerous as they can develop into malignant melanoma. Often, they do not hurt or pain you, but you must keep a record of your moles to prevent future health problems. Some of the essential tips to keep a close look at your moles are as follows:

  • Keep a record of the area of your moles.
  • Keep a record of their size and shape.
  • Keep a count on the number of moles. This will help you to recognize the additional moles.
  • Also note the shape and color of larger moles.
  • If the mole size changes in size and color or begin to itch or bleed, immediately contact your doctor.
  • Molemax is a machine which will take pictures of your body and store them. Few days later when you come back and take the pictures from the machine, doctor will evaluate the numbers and appearance of the moles.

Protecting yourself from Moles 

Follow the listed tips to avoid moles on your body:
  • Always wear the clothes that can provide protection to the entire body.
  • Apply sunscreen before leaving the home in sunny days.
  • Wear a hat which gives shade to your face.
  • Use zinc cream on the moles that are not covered by the clothes.

Know more about Freckles


Freckles are commonly seen on people with fair skin or red hair. They are also called as sun kisses. Freckles are flat, circular spots which range in the size of the head of nail. Freckles usually occur due to the repeated exposure to sunlight, especially in persons with fair complexion. Freckles are nothing but the little spots of melanin in your skin which are dark in color compared to the skin around them. The color of freckles may vary from red to yellow, light brown or black. 

Types of freckles 

There are two types of freckles, ephelides (singular- ephelis) and lentigines (singular- lentigo). Ephelides are the flat spots on the skin which are either red or light-brown in color. They usually appear during the sunny months and fade in winter. In some cases, ephelides may occur as hereditary problem. Regular use of sunscreen during summer can help in suppressing the ephelis. Lentigines are usually darker in appearance as compared to ephelis type. They are usually found in children and may have small tan, brown or black spot.

How do freckles develop? 

The sun and sun-tanning light emits ultraviolet (UV) rays. If the skin is exposed to heavy sunlight, the outer layer of skin thickens. Also, the melanocytes (pigment producing cell in skin) start producing melanin pigment at an increased rate. This process gives protection to the skin against future sun exposure. People with dark complexion are less sensitive as compared to fair-skinned people. However, freckles can be developed even in the dark-skinned people. Person with blonde hair are more susceptible to sunburned because of being fair-skinned. The uneven distribution of the melanin pigment in the skin is the major cause of freckles. Therefore, freckles are considered as nothing but the heavy deposition of melanin at one part of the skin.

How to prevent freckles? 

Although, freckles are common in fair-skinned people, it can be easily prevented. Protecting your skin from the sun and preventing it from tanning is the best way of avoiding freckles. Some basic and important tips to avoid freckles are as follows:

  • People shall take care while moving out during the summer season. One must try to avoid the direct intact with the harmful ultraviolet rays coming out from the sun. People with multiple freckles often have pale skin which burns easily.
  • Always apply sunscreen before going out in sunny days. Make it a habit of applying the sunscreen while leaving for the office, school or shopping.
  • Wear a hat and clothes to cover your skin completely during the summer season. 

In older days and even today, some recipes that include lemon juice are believed to protect our skin from the freckles. Following things can be done to clear the freckles from your skin:

  • Take a juice of half a lemon.
  • Wipe the freckles with the juice, by using cotton wool ball.
  • Apply this juice two times a day.
  • Stay out of sun.

If you want a freckle-free skin, the most important part is to protect your skin from harmful sun rays.

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