Holistic technology for the 21st century. . - Book Corners - The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing: Holistic Technology for Cancer and Other Diseases

What happens when a writer/health educator/ psychotherapist/musician embarks on an eight-year journey to improve her own health? In the case of Nina Silver, PhD, that quest evolved into a 448 page well-researched, easy-to-read treatise on frequency healing. Not only does the book discuss the genius of its primary proponent, Royal Raymond Rife, it includes a superb explanation of the differences between allopathic and holistic approaches to treating disease.

At a time when health-conscious individuals are concerned about the over-medication of children, bio-terrorism, drug-resistant infectious diseases, the government’s push for mass inoculations, and the negative side effects of vaccines and other drugs, along comes a book that revives the natural healing of Rife frequency technology.

In the late 1920s, Rife invented a unique microscope through which he could observe microorganisms, even miniscule single viruses, in their living state. This allowed him to prove that the majority of pathogens, ordinarily considered foreign to the system, were once harmless proteins indigenous to the human body that change in response to their environment. When the environment becomes toxic, the microbes become toxic and more complex, causing symptoms that we call disease.

The book pays due respect to Antoine Bechamp, whose theories were quickly eclipsed by the germ theories of his contemporary Louis Pasteur. Bechamp understood that germs are everywhere and only proliferate when conditions favor their growth. A weakened or compromised immune system allows disease to take hold, whereas a strong immune system does not.


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