T-touch Cat Massage

Physical massage therapy is a great relaxant for cat and owner and once people get to know the feel of their cat they can quickly spot anything out of the ordinary that might need treatment sooner rather than later. Massage is provided by the physiotherapists who can assess the disordered condition of, and any damage to, body muscles, ligaments and tendons. Proper massage therapy can help free up stiff joints and seized muscles and promotes healing by encouraging circulation to affected areas. 

If people have a dog with arthritis or chronic pain or with behavioral problems or if the dog lunge and bark and jump for no apparent reason or if someone has recently rescued a cat only to find her lashing out at everyone, people might want to give T-Touch massage a try, or if it is actually a severe case, they need to find a T-Touch practitioner who can work with them and their pet. T-Touch massage therapy is a bodywork technique that was invented and developed by Linda Tellington-Jones in the 1980s. She initially developed T-Touch massage therapy for use on horses, but soon started using the technique on wild animals and pets as well and eventually also on humans. 

Internationally famous for the revolutionary T-Touch massage therapy and bodywork, Tellington-Jones has been featured in many publications and on TV all over the world. Also Tellington-Jones has been asked to work on different kinds of pets and animals in a variety of settings, such as wildlife rehabilitation centers and zoos. Using T-Touch message therapy to help a monkey overcome emotional trauma after it had been used for psychological research, working on the orca that starred in "Free Willy" to increase his confidence, and helping a young leopard break out of compulsive habits are just a few fascinating instances. 

T-Touch massage therapy is not only massage but it works on a cellular level. Scientists have found that light touch and small circular movement of the T-Touch stimulates four different brainwaves at the same time, creating the perfect functioning mode of the brain. While using these small touch and movements of T-Touch therapy, people can help the cells of the pet to awaken, thereby speeding up the process of healing, learning and changing. T-Touch massage can help to calm aggression and fear. It can also effectively help an animal to overcome shyness, nervousness and car sickness as well as bad habits such as jumping, leash pulling and excessive barking. In case of humans disorders like chronic pain, migraines, anxiety and depression have been treated with T-Touch successfully. 

One of the many wonderful aspects of T-Touch is that people do not have to know anything about anatomy to be able to use it successfully. Anyone can learn the basics of this massage therapy in a just a few hours, and Linda Tellington-Jones' book "Getting in T-Touch with Your Dog" is a great source if people want to give it a try. Each T-Touch massage movement is thoroughly described and illustrated with photos in the book. There are also a number of case studies, and a list of health issues and behavioral problems and the T-Touches people can use for each.


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