Healing the heel - Health & Medicine

In response to over 5 million Americans who suffer from chronic heel problems, DeRoyal has developed a healthcare kit to treat them. The self-care kit contains a recovery handbook that discusses heel pain, signs and symptoms of an injury, treatments, protection, stretching, foot muscle and ankle strengthening, eversion and inversion exercises, physician/podiatric follow-up and orthotics. The kit also includes a plantar fasciitis night splint, foot control strap, silicone heel cups, exercise band and ice pack.

Each piece addresses a point of heel protection. The night splint holds the foot in a healing neutral position while you sleep. The foot control strap is a pronation strap that reduces the heel’s movement, while preventing the plantar fascia from over-stretching. The silicone heel cup improves the shock absorbency and cushioning of shoes, while providing pressure relief to the tender spots of the heel. The exercise band is designed to strengthen the muscles around the ankle and foot which help control foot pronation. Lastly, the ice pack reduces inflammation and swelling of the plantar fascia in the injured areas.


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