Different Steps In Yoga.

Yoga is among the most effective fitness exercises routines around. Beyond being just a fitness routine it's a way of life, and this is the major reason many people prefer to adopt yoga as a way to gain and sustain fitness. The premise under which the practice of yoga was established was to attain physical, mental and spiritual strength for the body. Yoga focuses on creating harmony between the mind and body. The whole theory is reform one's life and comprises certain critical steps that take one down the path to being a successful 'yogi'. 

Steps in Yoga: 

To be successful at Yoga, you have to adopt the following steps in your daily routine; 

1. Yama and Niyama: the first step in yoga is to consciously practice the ethics of yoga until they become habit and second nature. This is where yama and niyama come in. Yama means restraints, the things one has to avoid in life. Niyama means the practices and ethics that have to be observed. 

2. Asana and Pranayama:
this step is where the physical training steps in. postural training for physical is done to attain and ensure physical fitness in the yoga doctrine. It is a series of body-control instructions that need to be followed carefully and with precision. I yoga, breathing has a vital role to play for physical well being as well. the breath is considered as the 'life force', and when this is strengthen and passed with energy throughout the body, the individual becomes strong. Yoga hones the life-sustaining bio-energy through proper breathing and builds the body's immune system. The general rule for breathing while performing yoga exercises is to take long deep breaths. 

3. Pratyahara: this is the abstraction or dissociation of the mind from sensory disturbances and is achieved through controlling both the external and internal senses. This actually serves to better synchronize the mind and body. The process circulates around relaxation, centralization and introversion. 

4. Dharana and Dhyana: this step starts off with building concentration but eventually progresses into a seamless transition into meditation. The mind is taken out of the worldly context, looks inward in an effort to achieve the pure body and the pure mind. The ultimate goal in this case being Kaivalya or the consciousness absolute. 

5. Samadhi:
This is the final stage of yoga when a person attains trance-consciousness. He remains motionless and there is a momentary suspension of the life force. It is a moment of perpetual bliss and eternal peace when one is laid to rest in both body and mind and "can see into the life of things". 

Thus you see that yoga isn't simply an exercise regime to be adopted while at the gym or Yoga centre. For those who want yoga to truly influence their lives, there is a whole doctrine of living that needs to be followed. Also, if you don't just want physical well fitness, but rather aspire for peace and the equipment to better deal with the stressful life that exists all around us, then yoga has a methodological support system that will actually overhaul your entire life. It may seem like it's maybe too time consuming, but putting in a few minutes everyday will get you started and you will soon see time make itself.


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