3 Mesothelioma Treatments

The Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer is almost always by asbestos exposure. It is estimated, in which about 2000 people in the UK each year. There are two different forms of mesothelioma; Pleuramesotheliom (makes the lining of the lungs are thick) and peritoneal mesothelioma (makes the wall of the abdomen is thicker). The diagnosis of this type of cancer is not a pleasant experience. However, there are options for treatment are available. In this article I will present the first three treatments mesothelioma.

1) SURGERY: - If you Pleuramesotheliom, and it is in the early stages of the surgery May a viable therapeutic option. It usually can not be used to the peritoneal mesothelioma. If the surgery is usually a pleurectomy (removal of all or part of the pleura, and in the vicinity of the lung tissue), but sometimes an extra-pleura pneumonectomie (takeover of the pleura, the diaphragm, the tumor of the lung and the totality) is needed to more advanced cancers.

2) CHEMOTHERAPY: - The treatment includes anti-cancer mesothelioma with the help of drugs to slow tumor growth. It can also help all adverse symptoms. Unfortunately, in most cases, chemotherapy alone is not enough to heal, instead of mesothelioma and helps the patient a better quality of life. It can really after surgery to kill the remaining cancer cells and reduce the risk of relapse.
Chemotherapy with few side effects. The main side effect is that the drugs often to kill cancer cells, cells do not, what makes you more vulnerable to infections and you may tire easily. There are other side effects, the hair loss, nausea and diarrhea. But this depends on the type of drugs used in chemotherapy.

3) RADIOTHERAPY: - It is with high energy radiation beams to destroy cancer cells. Radiation therapy is often used to all adverse symptoms, but sometimes an effective treatment for mesothelioma. It can also be used to reduce the tumor prior to surgery and the risk of cancer return after surgery.
Radiotherapy treatment with some side effects. These include nausea, vomiting and fatigue. However, these side effects and severity depends on the strength of the radiation used and the length of treatment in radiotherapy.

The Mesothelioma is very rare, but like all other types of cancer, it can be fatal if it is ignored. Nobody wants diagnosed with a disease like this, but they can be treated. This article has three options that are available, but the full, you need to go with your doctor. They are professionals and they will be in a position, the best kind of treatment for you and your situation.
Although the intention has to understand this article is accurate and informative, it is only general information. The Mesothelioma is a very serious threat to life and you should discuss concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes with your doctor.


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