Teaching Hatha Yoga - Lead Your Classes With Integrity

What is integrity? Simply put: Integrity is doing the right thing. Why should a Yoga instructor be an example of integrity? Yoga teachers have a responsibility to demonstrate a balanced lifestyle. If someone is not up to the task, why choose to teach classes? Most Yoga teachers work exclusively with adults, but some work with children, too. Either way, you demonstrate integrity by "walking the walk." Teaching integrity is a responsibility that is much more than role playing. Let's look at an example of a way where Yoga teachers should be examples of integrity. Within every ashram, and Yoga studio, is a culture. The culture of every Yoga class determines the success of the collective group. If you lead with integrity, you can never go wrong. Honesty, ethics, and discipline are admirable standards for any organization. On the other hand, if you preach that you are the only source of reliable information, you have crossed the line. Some Yoga teachers will claim their style is the only true style. Their Guru is the "Big Kahuna" of Yoga. Some of the more interesting claims are: "Everyone else teaches phony Yoga, because my path is right, pure, and the only path that is real." Looking down a tunnel will keep you and your students focused, but intolerance usually follows "tunnel vision." Instead of dividing into smaller groups at every turn, Yoga schools and styles, should be networking with each other. Luckily, this is a rarity for schools to operate on the fundamentalist fringe, but the fact that some Yoga students gravitate in this direction is scary. A lack of integrity is a mental weakness. For an adult to be influenced by a crowd taking the wrong action is an example of a lack of integrity. A positive self-image goes hand-in-hand with integrity, because a person who has strong personal values can think for himself or herself. Some will say: "Define right action and make rules for us to follow." For those who need to have a rule for everything, there are three words that define right action. To say it simply: "Do no harm." We also know this as Ahimsa (the first Yama). If you follow this one guideline, there is no need for a thousand rules. Yet, history has shown us that rules are made for most of us, because a rare few need to push the boundaries of common sense to get their way. As a result of these infractions - religions, governments, and organizations, must institute rules.

Six Simple Steps To Prevent Skin Cancer

Now that summer is here many people are spending more time outdoors enjoying the warmth of the sun. Studies have shown that sunlight is actually needed to prevent certain cancers (lung, colon, breast and prostate ), diabetes, multiple sclerosis and asthma. However, people can often get too much of a good thing. You have to be careful when you go outdoors. If you want to prevent skin cancer, it is very important to follow these steps. 1) Wear a hat with two to three-inch brim all around and wear long-sleeved shirt and pants. Tightly woven fabrics like denim are better than loosely woven cotton or linen. Wearing a hat and protective clothing is more effective than using a sunscreen according to recent studies. This is expecially important for those people who are fair-skinned, turn red after 10 minutes of unprotected sun exposure, who have 100 moles and who have history of skin cancer either self or family. Look for clothing that are made from sun-protective fabrics. There is also a laundry additive that has a UV protectant which can be used to wash clothes with. 2) Apply sunscreen properly 15 to 30 minutes before going outdoors. Cover the exposed parts of your body thoroughly with the right sunscreen. Use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. Apply sunscreen even on cloudy days because 80% of the sun's UV rays pass through the clouds. Also protect your lips by applying a lip balm that has sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. Re-apply sunscreen every two hours while outdoors expecially after swimming and if you sweat heavily. 3) Try not to stay outdoors more than 20 minutes during the peak hours when the sun's rays are the strongest which is from 10 am to 4 pm. 4) The best sunscreen, however, is an internal sunscreen built with nutrition. Eat plenty of chlorella, spirulina, goji berries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, astaxanthin, carrots and nutrient-rich superfoods to boost your skin's natural UV protection (takes about 30 days of nutrition to boost skin levels). Add foods to your diet that are rich in carotenoids such as tomatoes, peaches, broccoli, watermelons and spinach. Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants and protect against the sun's damaging UV rays. 5) Do a monthly skin exam. Did you know that skin cancers can develop in parts of your body that are not exposed to the sun? Look for moles, spots or freckles that are asymmetric, have an irregular border, variation in color and are more than 6 millimeters (the size of a pencil eraser). See a dermatologist if you find any moles, freckles or spots that look suspicious. 6) If you take medications, be aware that some prescriptions drugs such as antibiotics, diuretics, tricyclic antidepressants and over- the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Aleve and Advil can make your skin more vulnerable to sun damage.


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